Who is a potential dictator? An institution that answers a priori may put its credibility at risk. Thus, I argue that a mature democracy cannot be measured against the ability to keep a potential dictator away from power, but against the ability to quickly remove him if by mistake he comes to power. A comparison of the events in Romania and South Korea sheds light on what is an adequate response.
Dies calamitatis. The public policy of fear.

I analyse emergency policy-making in three circumstances: the sovereign debt crisis of 2011, the Covid crisis of 2020, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine of 2022. Decisions taken under the influence of fear are the least inclined to progressive principles and participatory democracy.
Two dogs strive for a bone. And the third…

A perception of international relations based on the balance of power suggests that it would be unwise to look for total victory over Russia if this was to produce a further strengthening of China.
Eppure non doveva essere un’opera buffa

Credo di fare un esercizio utile, elencando i momenti salienti della legislatura presto archiviata. Mi si perdonerà il tono canzonatorio, inevitabile dati i protagonisti della storia.
Making the poor pay more

From the pandemic to the Ukrainian war, policy decisions have resulted in de-facto regressive taxation. Support is gained by qualifying diverging opinions as the enemy’s. Instead, governments should implement significant redistribution plans.
Russia and Ukraine: two questions on the conflict

Putin sees Ukraine as an integral part of the Russian national character. Hence, he won’t let them join “the West”. On our side, avoiding a direct involvement in the conflict is the right choice.
What went wrong, Mr Lenin?

The fall of communism is deeply related to the most impractical assumption of the second welfare theorem. For this to work, the planner must have perfect knowledge of everybody’s preferences about every good.
Considerazioni sul reddito di cittadinanza

Assistenzialismo inefficiente od ottimizzazione dei risparmi in un mercato non concorrenziale? Seguono dei pensieri sulla più dibattuta misura di politica economica di questa legislatura.
Some thoughts on Western values

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of 9/11, I propose some reflections that have accompained my growth.